Working for NFC

The New Forests Company is an agent of change, continually questioning the status quo and striking a balance between maintaining best operating practises whilst retaining its entrepreneurial flair that has made it the success it is today.

NFC is an equal opportunities employer and places a huge amount of emphasis on developing its people, with a particular focus on nurturing talent within East Africa and growing the regional skills level. Employees are encouraged to travel, study and continually improve their skill levels and experience, with the ultimate goal being for employees to leave a lasting legacy on the Company as well as a legacy on the African continent.

The Company is therefore young, dynamic and exciting to work for – just ask our employees:

Anton Greeff

Head of Forestry

Having been with SAPPI, one of the largest forestry companies in the world, for 19 years Anton joined the NFC family in 2009. At that stage he had done very little travelling to other African countries. Since then Anton has travelled to multiple countries to study best practice and has overseen a huge growth in the NFC planted land bank, obtained FSC certification for the majority of NFC plantations and ensured the development of forestry skills in Africa. He is thus passionate about his job, loves travelling into Africa and having the ability to empower others to change their lives.

Alex Kyabawampi

Uganda head of CSR

Alex is a rural development specialist having joined the NFC family 2010 and is proud of to be a part of the company because of its values and commitment to making a difference in the lives of ordinary women, children and men living in the communities neighbouring the company’s plantations, trusting them as partners in a manner that is both respectful and empowering in addressing challenges of poverty and marginalisation while building a sustainable forestry business in Uganda.

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